Good Dog Graduate School
Starts April 10




Good Dog Graduate School $150

Once a week | 5 weeks | 4 months or older

Good Dog Graduate School includes proofing all the Grade School behaviors, plus continued work on Impulse Control and Manners. Behaviors include Loose Leash Walking,  Front, Finish, Advanced Watch-Me, Hand Signals for Sit, Down, Come, Front, and Finish, Targeting,  Back Up, Stand-Stay, Take-it/Drop-it, Sit- and Down-Stay with distance and distractions, , Come Fore, About Turn, Left About Turn, and Straight Sits at Heel.  Prerequisite: Good Dog Grade School or equivalent.

Once you have registered and paid, you will automatically be enrolled in that class. You will receive an email confirming the purchase of your class. An additional email, the “Welcome to Class” email will be sent to you with all the logistics, so make sure to check your Inbox.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”black”][vc_column_text]


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